Another video from my friend Frederick Zappone's creative mind
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Once upon a time I faked my way through life. I was very successful by pretending to be something I was not. Pretending was very stressful and robbed me of my peace of mind and dignity. I no longer pretend about anything. On this blog, I am as real as real can get. - Jonathan
Sunday, May 15, 2011
The Creative Mind of Frederick Zappone
Check out the animated video work of my friend Frederick Zappone. All videos are 90 second or less. Some will make you laugh, some will offend
You Tweeted What?
(Some people will find this funny, others will not)
Spock Gives Sara Self-help Advice
(Some people will find this one funny too, others will not)
Feeling Depressed or Suicidal Today?
(What you don't know can kill you)
Change Your Words, Change Your World.
(How the President changed his world)
Relax, Chill. Take a Mini-Vacation With Vona and Me.
Read more: Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life: Let me Entertain and Enlighten You
You Tweeted What?
(Some people will find this funny, others will not)
Spock Gives Sara Self-help Advice
(Some people will find this one funny too, others will not)
Feeling Depressed or Suicidal Today?
(What you don't know can kill you)
Change Your Words, Change Your World.
(How the President changed his world)
Relax, Chill. Take a Mini-Vacation With Vona and Me.
(These pictures reflect the beauty God created in all of us)
Read more: Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life: Let me Entertain and Enlighten You
Saturday, May 14, 2011
America Demonizes the Bad Guys
America demonizes the bad guys, never thinking that the bad guys think they are the good guys and we are the bad ones?
Do we take any responsibility for people like Bin Laden coming to believe we are his enemy? Are we too arrogant a nation to see the part we play in making other people see us as their enemy?
Are we that much better than people who believe and think differently than we do?
As the most progressive nation in the world can't we find ways to harmonize the differences between cultures different than our own rather than using our force and might to destroy those differences?
World peace begins with you and me...
Join the PEACE ALLIANCE Work together with other Americans to make the Dept of Peace a political reality in our United State Government.
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Do we take any responsibility for people like Bin Laden coming to believe we are his enemy? Are we too arrogant a nation to see the part we play in making other people see us as their enemy?
Are we that much better than people who believe and think differently than we do?
As the most progressive nation in the world can't we find ways to harmonize the differences between cultures different than our own rather than using our force and might to destroy those differences?
World peace begins with you and me...
Join the PEACE ALLIANCE Work together with other Americans to make the Dept of Peace a political reality in our United State Government.
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Friday, May 13, 2011
Feeling the NOW, right now...
You can't see, taste or touch the NOW but you can feel it. In fact, you are feeling (experiencing) the NOW, right now.... and now... and now, all the time.
The NOW feels delicious, sumptuous, tasty, flavorful. The NOW feels refreshing and peaceful. The NOW is totally satisfying, now...
When you feel the NOW, that is when you feel as healthy and as happy as you can be. The NOW is judgment free. There are no regrets or disappointments living in the now. The NOW is complete and that make you experience yourself as complete.
If you are not experiencing the NOW, now, that's because you are short-circuiting your experience of the NOW by having your attention focused on your thoughts rather than focusing your attention on your feelings of NOW.
To feel (experience) the NOW, now, focus on something outside yourself that is more important to you than the non-stop thoughts galloping through your mind. Focus your attention on a rose, a plant, a blade of grass, a chicken or a fish.
Focus your attention on a tree, a cloud, maybe the stars in the sky.. Allow yourself to be drawn into what you are looking at because all of those things live in the NOW. Allow yourself to be the cloud, the bird, the tree, the baby in your arms but for a brief moment. When allow yourself 'to be' what you are totally absorbed into, you experience the now NOW and feel the power of the now coursing through your veins.
A picture is always a snapshot of the NOW, with nothing added. Focus
your attention on this picture, and feel the NOW now...
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The NOW feels delicious, sumptuous, tasty, flavorful. The NOW feels refreshing and peaceful. The NOW is totally satisfying, now...
When you feel the NOW, that is when you feel as healthy and as happy as you can be. The NOW is judgment free. There are no regrets or disappointments living in the now. The NOW is complete and that make you experience yourself as complete.
If you are not experiencing the NOW, now, that's because you are short-circuiting your experience of the NOW by having your attention focused on your thoughts rather than focusing your attention on your feelings of NOW.
To feel (experience) the NOW, now, focus on something outside yourself that is more important to you than the non-stop thoughts galloping through your mind. Focus your attention on a rose, a plant, a blade of grass, a chicken or a fish.
Focus your attention on a tree, a cloud, maybe the stars in the sky.. Allow yourself to be drawn into what you are looking at because all of those things live in the NOW. Allow yourself to be the cloud, the bird, the tree, the baby in your arms but for a brief moment. When allow yourself 'to be' what you are totally absorbed into, you experience the now NOW and feel the power of the now coursing through your veins.
A picture is always a snapshot of the NOW, with nothing added. Focus
your attention on this picture, and feel the NOW now...
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Helpful (not necessarily right) Life Rules
Page 48
1. Trust yourself
2. Learn about yourself
3. Be honest with yourself
4. Ask yourself:
a. What do I think?
b. What do I feel?
c. What do I need?
d. What are my choices?
5. Love Yourself
6. Do whatever you want as long as you are not hurting anyone, including yourself.
7. Make your own decisions.
8. Take care of yourself.
9. Share yourself with others
10. Hug
1. Focus on other people
2. Focus on theories and doctrines
3. Don't hurt other people.
4. Don't judge other people.
5. Control other people.
For more information about the book from where this exceprt came from, click book cover
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Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Be-ing REAL Defined
Being real means being true to your own beliefs, thoughts and opinions and not the beliefs, thoughts and opinions of others.
Being real means telling 'your truth' to yourself rather than mentally parroting the truth of others. 'Your truth' will always make you feel good while the truth of others will not. If 'your truth' doesn't make you feel good, you are not telling your truth to yourself, you are lying to yourself. (For more in-depth information about lying to ourselves, click here.)
Being real means you don't feel bad because of other people's troubles and you don't do things for other people comes from feeling bad about their situation .What you do feel about their situation is love for them. And what you do see is if they were powerful enough to create the troubles they have by the choices they made, then they are powerful enough to make the choices they need to make to solve their problems for themselves.
When you believe people can't solve their own problems, you weakens them. Thinking people aren't capable of solving their own problems is an ego trip. An ego trip most commonly taken by parents whose children are having troubles. Parents take this ego trip out of guilt and blaming themselves for the troubles their children have.
If there is something you can do for people having troubles (family members, friends, strangers) coming from a 'feeling good state of mind' because you genuinely want to do it, and guilt is not part of the equation, by all means do it.
Being real means you do not allow yourself to get dragged into other people's soap operas. You no longer accept the false belief that you must feel bad for others when others feed bad. Feeling bad empowers no one, especially yourself.
Being real means you tell your ugly truth to yourself (things that upset you, piss you off or make you angry) as a way of releasing your 'ugly truth' from your mind so you can be as happy and carefree as you want to be.
Being real means admitting 'when you don't know what to do next' and instead of feeling bad about not knowing what to do next, you relax your mind instead and go play. As my friend Frederick Zappone says, 'In the spirit of play, life is easy'.
Being real means you accept the fact that all thoughts that make you feel good are from God (by whatever name you call God *) and the rest are not.
* Organizing Intelligence of the Universe, Infinite Mind, Universal Intelligence, etc)
SHARING : Share with me in the comment section when you know you are be-ing real and when you are not. You can post your comments anonymously if you wish.
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Being real means telling 'your truth' to yourself rather than mentally parroting the truth of others. 'Your truth' will always make you feel good while the truth of others will not. If 'your truth' doesn't make you feel good, you are not telling your truth to yourself, you are lying to yourself. (For more in-depth information about lying to ourselves, click here.)
Being real means you don't feel bad because of other people's troubles and you don't do things for other people comes from feeling bad about their situation .What you do feel about their situation is love for them. And what you do see is if they were powerful enough to create the troubles they have by the choices they made, then they are powerful enough to make the choices they need to make to solve their problems for themselves.
When you believe people can't solve their own problems, you weakens them. Thinking people aren't capable of solving their own problems is an ego trip. An ego trip most commonly taken by parents whose children are having troubles. Parents take this ego trip out of guilt and blaming themselves for the troubles their children have.
If there is something you can do for people having troubles (family members, friends, strangers) coming from a 'feeling good state of mind' because you genuinely want to do it, and guilt is not part of the equation, by all means do it.
Being real means you do not allow yourself to get dragged into other people's soap operas. You no longer accept the false belief that you must feel bad for others when others feed bad. Feeling bad empowers no one, especially yourself.
Being real means you tell your ugly truth to yourself (things that upset you, piss you off or make you angry) as a way of releasing your 'ugly truth' from your mind so you can be as happy and carefree as you want to be.
Being real means admitting 'when you don't know what to do next' and instead of feeling bad about not knowing what to do next, you relax your mind instead and go play. As my friend Frederick Zappone says, 'In the spirit of play, life is easy'.
Being real means you accept the fact that all thoughts that make you feel good are from God (by whatever name you call God *) and the rest are not.
* Organizing Intelligence of the Universe, Infinite Mind, Universal Intelligence, etc)
SHARING : Share with me in the comment section when you know you are be-ing real and when you are not. You can post your comments anonymously if you wish.
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being real,
personal power,
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
10 Thought Provoking, Enlightening Posts
Click on the link or links of your choosing.
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- Ex-Catholic - Public Confessor
- Is your ass wound tight around MONEY?
- Quickest way to get over a SICK Feeling
- Are you a Thief in the Night?
- Video made the hair on my neck stand up
- Do you suffer from the SIEGE Mentality?
- Don't let your critics hurt you over and over agai...
- Exposing my f*cked up subconscious mind
- 10 possible things your STRESS is telling you.
- Lying Makes us Sick and Depressed
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Focusing on NOW, and then NOW and the NOW after that will get you centered and focused again.
Monday, May 9, 2011
Unhappiness has a Purpose..
The purpose of unhappiness is to make you realize that the happiness you seek is not out there somewhere, it lives within you. It lives within the thoughts you think.
Unhappiness needs the past to exist (even if the past was only a second ago) or the future to exist (even if the future is only a minute from now) . The only way you can escape unhappiness is by living in the moment, by becoming fully absorbed in the moment.
Being fully absorbed in the moment squeezes unhappiness out of your mind when you are doing something you love doing that makes you happy to be alive.
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Unhappiness needs the past to exist (even if the past was only a second ago) or the future to exist (even if the future is only a minute from now) . The only way you can escape unhappiness is by living in the moment, by becoming fully absorbed in the moment.
Being fully absorbed in the moment squeezes unhappiness out of your mind when you are doing something you love doing that makes you happy to be alive.
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The first thing they should teach you coming out of your Mother's WOMB
After coming out of your mother's womb, they should slap you on the ass and yell in your ear repeatedly: Whatever you resist persists. They should teach you that the more you resist something you do not like, the more power it has over you until what you 'don't like' begins sticking to you like super glue.
They should also teach you that whatever you resist not only gains more power over you, it controls your life until you stop resisting whatever it is you are resisting..
If I had known about the 'whatever you resist persists' principle from birth, I would have lived a different life. I would have lived a life of 'allowing' things I did not like to harmlessly pass me by rather than resisting them with all of my might.
The more I resisted what I did not like, the more things I attracted into my life I did not like. Why? Because my focus was on what I didn't want rather than what I did want. And, in accordance with the law of attraction , which I learned about later on in life, whatever I focus my attention on, I attract more of the same.
As a result of focusing on the shit in my life by resisting it, I became a shit magnet that brought me to where I am today. An unhappy person fed up with playing the games, fed up with pretending I am happy when I am not.
Since I started this process of 'being real,' I have found myself stumbling into a lot of dark holes in the basement of my mind that I don't like being in. I don't know exactly when I started pretending to be something I was not but I do know I was very young,
I started pretending at a very early age because I quickly realized, even back then, that being yourself in this world and telling 'your truth' as a young kid was a dangerous thing to do.. Telling your truth to others got you judged, disapproved of and punished.
Who broke my favorite vase Jonathan? 'I did mommy'. (My Truth)
--Whack on the back of the head. --
Why are you playing in the dirt Jonathan? 'It is fun mommy' (My Truth)
--Get your ass in the house, you need to take a bath now.--
Being yourself and telling your truth, as I discovered, at a very tender age was not safe. The only way to get through life was to lie (pretend) because you are going to be punished for telling your truth.
Why didn't you do your homework Jonathan? 'It wasn't fun to do teacher'. (My Truth)
---Note to my parents, detention after school ---
I will no longer put any energy into resisting thoughts and feelings I do not like because if I do, I will continue to be unhappy rather than allowing the shit to clear out of my mind so I can be as happy and carefree as I want to be...
I am in the process of doing a house cleaning job by cleaning out the garbage in my mind. I will no longer allow ugliness to live inside of me where it can pollute my soul and make me miserable. I will allow it to come up and out of me so I will be free of the thoughts and feelings that tormented me in the past. I will do that by BEING REAL and being me....
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They should also teach you that whatever you resist not only gains more power over you, it controls your life until you stop resisting whatever it is you are resisting..
If I had known about the 'whatever you resist persists' principle from birth, I would have lived a different life. I would have lived a life of 'allowing' things I did not like to harmlessly pass me by rather than resisting them with all of my might.
The more I resisted what I did not like, the more things I attracted into my life I did not like. Why? Because my focus was on what I didn't want rather than what I did want. And, in accordance with the law of attraction , which I learned about later on in life, whatever I focus my attention on, I attract more of the same.
As a result of focusing on the shit in my life by resisting it, I became a shit magnet that brought me to where I am today. An unhappy person fed up with playing the games, fed up with pretending I am happy when I am not.
Since I started this process of 'being real,' I have found myself stumbling into a lot of dark holes in the basement of my mind that I don't like being in. I don't know exactly when I started pretending to be something I was not but I do know I was very young,
I started pretending at a very early age because I quickly realized, even back then, that being yourself in this world and telling 'your truth' as a young kid was a dangerous thing to do.. Telling your truth to others got you judged, disapproved of and punished.
Who broke my favorite vase Jonathan? 'I did mommy'. (My Truth)
--Whack on the back of the head. --
Why are you playing in the dirt Jonathan? 'It is fun mommy' (My Truth)
--Get your ass in the house, you need to take a bath now.--
Being yourself and telling your truth, as I discovered, at a very tender age was not safe. The only way to get through life was to lie (pretend) because you are going to be punished for telling your truth.
Why didn't you do your homework Jonathan? 'It wasn't fun to do teacher'. (My Truth)
---Note to my parents, detention after school ---
I will no longer put any energy into resisting thoughts and feelings I do not like because if I do, I will continue to be unhappy rather than allowing the shit to clear out of my mind so I can be as happy and carefree as I want to be...
I am in the process of doing a house cleaning job by cleaning out the garbage in my mind. I will no longer allow ugliness to live inside of me where it can pollute my soul and make me miserable. I will allow it to come up and out of me so I will be free of the thoughts and feelings that tormented me in the past. I will do that by BEING REAL and being me....
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Sunday, May 8, 2011
Hear the sound of my Blog Sucking...
This blog sucks. That how I feel about it tonight. What came into my mind to share with folks tonight sucks. I have wasted my time writing it and if people read any of the drivel I have posted tonight, it will be a waste of their time too. On the other hand, it is your constitutional right to read my drivel and if you do, I take no responsibility for the consequences of your actions after reading it. - Jon
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Emotional Hurt. Don't fix me, just get me.
Emotionally I am hurting a lot tonight. I don't want you to give me any advice or try to fix me. I just want you to hear 'my truth'. I remember sharing with the adults in my life, during my growing up years, that I was emotionally hurting.
I would no sooner get the words out of my mouth and immediately they would want to do something with my hurt from trying to fix me to telling me I shouldn't feel the way I do.
There is nothing worse than verbally trying to express your emotional hurt to someone you know and have them immediately judge you or want to fix you rather than just listen to you with a loving and non-judgmental ear.
I am telling you I am emotionally hurting tonight because for some reason telling another human being I am hurting makes the hurt begin to dissolve of its own accord.
On the other hand, if someone starts judging me or invalidating how I am feeling right now, that action on their part makes me suppress what I am feeling rather than fully expressing it right out of my physical body.
If I do not fully express my hurt, my hurt then burrows itself into the cells of my body, eventually making a part of my body physically sick. Since I don't like to being physically sick, making an jackass out of myself by fully expressing my hurt to another person is a better option for me regardless of what other people think.
In life we are either depressing ourselves or fully expressing ourselves. Sad to say, few people get to fully express their truth (the good, bad and ugly of it) without someone judging them or telling them they shouldn't feel the way they do.. And that makes people hide how they really feel rather than 'healing what they feel' by fully expressing it out of their body until they hurt no more.
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I would no sooner get the words out of my mouth and immediately they would want to do something with my hurt from trying to fix me to telling me I shouldn't feel the way I do.
There is nothing worse than verbally trying to express your emotional hurt to someone you know and have them immediately judge you or want to fix you rather than just listen to you with a loving and non-judgmental ear.
I am telling you I am emotionally hurting tonight because for some reason telling another human being I am hurting makes the hurt begin to dissolve of its own accord.
On the other hand, if someone starts judging me or invalidating how I am feeling right now, that action on their part makes me suppress what I am feeling rather than fully expressing it right out of my physical body.
If I do not fully express my hurt, my hurt then burrows itself into the cells of my body, eventually making a part of my body physically sick. Since I don't like to being physically sick, making an jackass out of myself by fully expressing my hurt to another person is a better option for me regardless of what other people think.
In life we are either depressing ourselves or fully expressing ourselves. Sad to say, few people get to fully express their truth (the good, bad and ugly of it) without someone judging them or telling them they shouldn't feel the way they do.. And that makes people hide how they really feel rather than 'healing what they feel' by fully expressing it out of their body until they hurt no more.
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If I didn't feel GUILT, I seriously believe that I would feel absolutely nothing at all
Too bad it wasn't until I was 40 something before I understood the concept of whatever you resist persists. As a good catholic boy, I resisted guilt with all of my might not realizing I was making guilt worse for myself.
After writing my last post Ex-Catholic - Public Confessor, I was bulldozed over with waves of guilt that drove me into unconsciousness (sleep). I felt deeply ashamed for writing that piece. Since I wrote it I have been expecting some righteous catholic to come along and blast me for it. I expect to be told in very strong language that I am going to hell and there is no hope of salvation or redemption for me, ever.
The things I noticed with feeling the pain of my guilt is I wanted to lash out and strike back at the people who caused me to feel guilty in the first place. The problem is, there is no one to lash out or strike back at. All the people who poured their poisonous venom of guilt into my soul are long gone, dead and buried. May they all rot in hell for brainwashing little children into believing early on in life that we are nothing but worthless pieces of shit.
The emotional abuse that I endured at the hands of nuns and priests as a 'little one' is bad enough but the consequences of their actions have tormented and haunted me all of my adult life. Never confessed that one before.
After I wrote my last post about catholic guilt, I suddenly got itchy all over. It's like there is something in my skin trying to get out... Apparently there is... I have no idea where this all will lead me (maybe straight to hell on the express elevator) but on this blog there will be no pretending by me about anything for any reason. I spent a lifetime of pretending and all it got me was more pain and unhappiness than one person should have to endure. The only reason I never committed suicide is thinking about it made me feel guilty. In that case, maybe guilt was a good thing.
As a good Irish catholic boy I became skilled at smiling on the outside while seething with anger, rage and resentment on the inside... No more pretending, if I want to growl like a f*cking bear and chew your ear off, I will. Getting this shit out of my system gotta be better than holding it in and having it turn to cancer on the inside.
If I have offended anyone with my coarse language like a good catholic boy I was raised to be, I apologize to you, NOT! That's my guilt ridden story and I am sticking to it.
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After writing my last post Ex-Catholic - Public Confessor, I was bulldozed over with waves of guilt that drove me into unconsciousness (sleep). I felt deeply ashamed for writing that piece. Since I wrote it I have been expecting some righteous catholic to come along and blast me for it. I expect to be told in very strong language that I am going to hell and there is no hope of salvation or redemption for me, ever.
The things I noticed with feeling the pain of my guilt is I wanted to lash out and strike back at the people who caused me to feel guilty in the first place. The problem is, there is no one to lash out or strike back at. All the people who poured their poisonous venom of guilt into my soul are long gone, dead and buried. May they all rot in hell for brainwashing little children into believing early on in life that we are nothing but worthless pieces of shit.
The emotional abuse that I endured at the hands of nuns and priests as a 'little one' is bad enough but the consequences of their actions have tormented and haunted me all of my adult life. Never confessed that one before.
After I wrote my last post about catholic guilt, I suddenly got itchy all over. It's like there is something in my skin trying to get out... Apparently there is... I have no idea where this all will lead me (maybe straight to hell on the express elevator) but on this blog there will be no pretending by me about anything for any reason. I spent a lifetime of pretending and all it got me was more pain and unhappiness than one person should have to endure. The only reason I never committed suicide is thinking about it made me feel guilty. In that case, maybe guilt was a good thing.
As a good Irish catholic boy I became skilled at smiling on the outside while seething with anger, rage and resentment on the inside... No more pretending, if I want to growl like a f*cking bear and chew your ear off, I will. Getting this shit out of my system gotta be better than holding it in and having it turn to cancer on the inside.
If I have offended anyone with my coarse language like a good catholic boy I was raised to be, I apologize to you, NOT! That's my guilt ridden story and I am sticking to it.
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Ex-Catholic - Public Confessor
There is something about growing up Catholic that makes me want to publicly confess every thought I think. I'm sure it has something to do with the brainwashing I received as a child about going to confession and not withholding even the slightest thought I might consider a sin. As a result of growing up catholic and leaving the church, because too many of their beliefs were impossible for me to accept, I'm still influenced by there stinkin' thinkin' in ways that makes me feel guilty when there is nothing I should feel guilty about.
In order for my guilt about leaving the church not to eat at me any more than it does, I have chosen to become a public confessor. There is something about confessing my catholic sins publicly that lifts the guilt right off my shoulders. I am using this blog to publicly confess everything about my life and everything I know about life, most of which is okay with me but is contrary to the teaching of the Catholic Church.
Some of the stuff you read here will enlighten you or entertain you. Some of what I share with you may stun and shock you but not too much.. I haven't committed any of the really big sins in life such as stealing, murdering, raping, plundering, etc. Oh but my little sins, like thinking very differently than the catholic church, sometimes does eat me alive.
Updated 5 hours later..
I am feeling guilty for posting this. I should delete it now. No don't delete it.
Yes, delete it, No! Yes! No! Yes! Hell no, I am not going to delete it.
This is my story and I am sticking to it.
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In order for my guilt about leaving the church not to eat at me any more than it does, I have chosen to become a public confessor. There is something about confessing my catholic sins publicly that lifts the guilt right off my shoulders. I am using this blog to publicly confess everything about my life and everything I know about life, most of which is okay with me but is contrary to the teaching of the Catholic Church.
Some of the stuff you read here will enlighten you or entertain you. Some of what I share with you may stun and shock you but not too much.. I haven't committed any of the really big sins in life such as stealing, murdering, raping, plundering, etc. Oh but my little sins, like thinking very differently than the catholic church, sometimes does eat me alive.
Updated 5 hours later..
I am feeling guilty for posting this. I should delete it now. No don't delete it.
Yes, delete it, No! Yes! No! Yes! Hell no, I am not going to delete it.
This is my story and I am sticking to it.
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Is your ass wound tight around MONEY?
If it is, it's time to loosen up your attitudes around money. Tight ass attitudes around money either slows down or stops money from flowing into your life altogether. Did you know that money is nothing more than a piece of paper, that in and of itself, has no power at all except for the power you project into it?
Watch the video then continue reading.........
Releasing Negative Energy You Have Around MONEY
You do not have to know what thoughts are causing the negative energy you have around money, you simply have to RELEASE them. Once you release the negative thoughts you have around money, the money you want will either come to you out of the blue or your mind will be illuminates with inspired ideas that will guide you to the money you want..
A Money Affirmation That actually WORKS....
An affirmation you believe in and is true for you will produce AMAZING results for you. The only reason affirmations don't work for some people is because they are repeating words they don't believe in. Any affirmation you do not believe in will not work for you. When using affirmations make sure you fully believe in them.
If you don't fully believe an affirmation as it is written, rewrite it in your own words until you do. It is important to include the word NOW in your affirmation.. The word NOW begins the process of change happening in your life now, not next week or next year, but NOW..
In the beginning of using the 'money affirmation' posted below you won't see any changes in your financial life until.....until you begin 'feeling the affirmation'. Feelings are the first physical evidence that something (good or bad) is coming true for you.
Here is the Money Affirmation
I am releasing NOW all negative energy that is between me and the financial abundance I want. As a result, money in abundance is NOW coming to me with no effort or struggle at all.
Repeat this affirmation anytime you are feeling negative around money. Repeat it as you drift off to sleep. Repeat it until you begin 'feeling this affirmation' as real for you.
Making this affirmation work for you is not hard work, it is repetitive work. The same kind of repetitive work you did to master the A,B,C's and the 1, 2, 3's. The same kind of work you did to master riding a bike, playing a guitar or typing on your computer.
We learn by repeating something over and over again until it become anchored in our subconscious mind. Once that happens, we no longer have to consciously think about doing something, we do it automatically.
Louise Hay's author of: 'Experience Your Good Now' had this to say about affirmations: "When you state an affirmation, you’re really saying to your subconscious mind: “I am taking responsibility. I am aware that there is something I can do to change.”
For more information about Louise Hay books and CD's, click links or book covers
You Can Heal Your Life: Special Edition Box Set (Book & DVD Box Set)
Experience Your Good Now!: Learning to Use Affirmations

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Watch the video then continue reading.........
Releasing Negative Energy You Have Around MONEY
You do not have to know what thoughts are causing the negative energy you have around money, you simply have to RELEASE them. Once you release the negative thoughts you have around money, the money you want will either come to you out of the blue or your mind will be illuminates with inspired ideas that will guide you to the money you want..
A Money Affirmation That actually WORKS....
An affirmation you believe in and is true for you will produce AMAZING results for you. The only reason affirmations don't work for some people is because they are repeating words they don't believe in. Any affirmation you do not believe in will not work for you. When using affirmations make sure you fully believe in them.
If you don't fully believe an affirmation as it is written, rewrite it in your own words until you do. It is important to include the word NOW in your affirmation.. The word NOW begins the process of change happening in your life now, not next week or next year, but NOW..
In the beginning of using the 'money affirmation' posted below you won't see any changes in your financial life until.....until you begin 'feeling the affirmation'. Feelings are the first physical evidence that something (good or bad) is coming true for you.
Here is the Money Affirmation
I am releasing NOW all negative energy that is between me and the financial abundance I want. As a result, money in abundance is NOW coming to me with no effort or struggle at all.
Repeat this affirmation anytime you are feeling negative around money. Repeat it as you drift off to sleep. Repeat it until you begin 'feeling this affirmation' as real for you.
Making this affirmation work for you is not hard work, it is repetitive work. The same kind of repetitive work you did to master the A,B,C's and the 1, 2, 3's. The same kind of work you did to master riding a bike, playing a guitar or typing on your computer.
We learn by repeating something over and over again until it become anchored in our subconscious mind. Once that happens, we no longer have to consciously think about doing something, we do it automatically.
Your Conscious 'Thinking' Mind make you the MASTER of your life
Your Subconscious Mind is your benevolent Servant that connects you to the 'organizing intelligence of the universe' (aka SOURCE Energy) that makes all things possible
Louise Hay's author of: 'Experience Your Good Now' had this to say about affirmations: "When you state an affirmation, you’re really saying to your subconscious mind: “I am taking responsibility. I am aware that there is something I can do to change.”
For more information about Louise Hay books and CD's, click links or book covers
You Can Heal Your Life: Special Edition Box Set (Book & DVD Box Set)
Experience Your Good Now!: Learning to Use Affirmations
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Pump Up Your Day: Good Mood Music
To benefit from this inspirational song, allow yourself to be drawn into it. Turn up the volume and fully immerse yourself into the music, words and pictures until you feel the beat of the song coursing through your veins. If this song is not your cup of tea, play one that is, it will put you in a better mood than you are right now and it will make your day.
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Saturday, May 7, 2011
Your Thoughts - 5 Things To Know
1. Did you know the the first place you feel the consequences of thought is in your body?
2. Did you know that if you feel physical or emotional pain in your body, it is thought that created it and thought can un-create it?
3. Did you know the purpose of pain is to wake you up to the thought that is caused you to experience physical or emotional pain in the first place? ** See Note Below
4. Did you know that pain persists because you keep thinking your pain is caused by something other than your very own thoughts or actions?
5. Did you know all negative thoughts are stored in your subconscious mind and run on automatic pilot outside your conscious control until.... Until you become aware of what that thought is that's running on automatic pilot in the background of your mind. Once you are consciously aware of it, you can replace it with a positive thought that empowers and inspires you, making you feel better than you did the moment before.
This is an excerpt of a interview between Dr. Bernie Siegel and Anthony Robbins about the power of beliefs (thoughts). This excerpt was sent to me by my friend Frederick Zappone
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2. Did you know that if you feel physical or emotional pain in your body, it is thought that created it and thought can un-create it?
3. Did you know the purpose of pain is to wake you up to the thought that is caused you to experience physical or emotional pain in the first place? ** See Note Below
4. Did you know that pain persists because you keep thinking your pain is caused by something other than your very own thoughts or actions?
5. Did you know all negative thoughts are stored in your subconscious mind and run on automatic pilot outside your conscious control until.... Until you become aware of what that thought is that's running on automatic pilot in the background of your mind. Once you are consciously aware of it, you can replace it with a positive thought that empowers and inspires you, making you feel better than you did the moment before.
(**Note I'm not talking about pain inflicted on you externally like in a car accident although your thoughts, ultimately, can put you in the position to be in a car accident)
This is an excerpt of a interview between Dr. Bernie Siegel and Anthony Robbins about the power of beliefs (thoughts). This excerpt was sent to me by my friend Frederick Zappone
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Powerful Inspiration for the SOUL
I rarely, if ever, recommend books without purchasing them myself. The three books below are highly recommended by me for people who have to desire to become more powerful than they are. These are books I purchased for myself because they speak to me in very human terms anyone can understand and benefit from. Click on the book covers to learn more about each book and to read the testimonials of other readers of these books.

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Friday, May 6, 2011
No time to read this Blog?
Don't have time now to read all the inspirational and thought provoking articles up on this blog? Have new Be-ing REAL blog content sent you, as it becomes available, via e-mail. Subscribe now. You can unsubscribe anytime. This is a free service of this blog.
Quickest way to get over a SICK Feeling
The quickest way to get over a sick feeling is to tell 'your truth' to yourself about it. Tolerating or putting up with a sick feeling will cause you to get physically sick. However, if you tell 'your truth' to yourself about your sick feeling it will dissolve naturally.
Here is an example from my past about what I am talking about:
Telling Yourself the Truth About An Uncomfortable Body Sensation
(Typed but not proofread)
I have a pain in my stomach, more like my solar plexus. It is kind of like a stomach ache. It hurts but I don't know what triggered it.. It feels like anger. I have had this pain before, I recognized it as repressed anger. I am angry but I don't want to be angry. That only makes my anger worse and my pain too.
I am afraid to express my anger. I don't know how to express my anger. My anger feelings scare me. I am afraid my anger can make me sick, even kill me if I don't release it in a healthy way. I don't even know what a healthy way would be to release anger. Anger is a bad thing. Anger is what people feel who are not in control of their lives..
I don't want to share this example with anyone. I would be embarrassed for people to find out that I get angry.. Hmmm. it seems my embarrassment is what causes me to supress my anger in the first place rather than expressing it in healthy ways... I need to work on that.. (and work on it I did. As a result of continuing to write about my anger, the pain I felt in my stomach associated with my anger dissolved naturally.
The Wisdom ANGER has taught me
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Here is an example from my past about what I am talking about:
Telling Yourself the Truth About An Uncomfortable Body Sensation
(Typed but not proofread)
I have a pain in my stomach, more like my solar plexus. It is kind of like a stomach ache. It hurts but I don't know what triggered it.. It feels like anger. I have had this pain before, I recognized it as repressed anger. I am angry but I don't want to be angry. That only makes my anger worse and my pain too.
I am afraid to express my anger. I don't know how to express my anger. My anger feelings scare me. I am afraid my anger can make me sick, even kill me if I don't release it in a healthy way. I don't even know what a healthy way would be to release anger. Anger is a bad thing. Anger is what people feel who are not in control of their lives..
I don't want to share this example with anyone. I would be embarrassed for people to find out that I get angry.. Hmmm. it seems my embarrassment is what causes me to supress my anger in the first place rather than expressing it in healthy ways... I need to work on that.. (and work on it I did. As a result of continuing to write about my anger, the pain I felt in my stomach associated with my anger dissolved naturally.
The Wisdom ANGER has taught me
- Anger ALERTS me when my sense of justice has been violated.
- Anger give me the courage to act when feeling paralyzed or feeling cowardly.
- Anger controlled is my friend, anger out of control is my enemy...
- Anger suppressed can kill me, Anger expressed in healthy ways energizes me
- Anger gives me strength to move forward when I have no strength left at all.
- Anger strongly felt is trapped energy in the body looking for a healthy outlet.
- Anger in excess is easily released from the body through physical exercise.
- Anger can work for or against me. The choice is always up to me.
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Are you a Thief in the Night?
Are you a thief in the Night? Probably not but I was. I used to visit blogs and web sites and take all I could get for free without giving back anything of myself in return.
I took the free stuff for granted not realizing the time and energy people put into their web sites to make good information available to me. Realizing that now, if I like what a blog or web site has to offer, I leave a sincere comment when I can.
And if I don't have time to do that, I click on their Faceook, Twitter or Stumbleupon button to let people know I liked what I found while visiting there. If you like what you see on my blog, I would greatly appreciated it if you would leave me a comment or two, that is, if you have the time. If not, sharing my blog with others will work for me just fine.
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I took the free stuff for granted not realizing the time and energy people put into their web sites to make good information available to me. Realizing that now, if I like what a blog or web site has to offer, I leave a sincere comment when I can.
And if I don't have time to do that, I click on their Faceook, Twitter or Stumbleupon button to let people know I liked what I found while visiting there. If you like what you see on my blog, I would greatly appreciated it if you would leave me a comment or two, that is, if you have the time. If not, sharing my blog with others will work for me just fine.
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Worry doesn't stop the law of attraction from working in my favor. Here is why.
I worry about everything but the reason my worry doesn't stop the law of attraction from working in my favor is because I don't lie to myself about worrying. I don't deny that I worry. I don't deny that I am a worry wart. As a result of telling 'my truth to myself' about worrying, I don't feel bad when I worry. In fact, I feel good accepting I am a worry wart and not hiding it from myself or anyone else for that matter. You see it is not what we think, alone, that attracts good or bad things to us, it how we feel about what we think. And when I am telling my truth to myself no matter how ugly I think my truth is, I always feel GREAT!
Related Post:
Stop lying to yourself and you will begin eliminating scarcity from your life now
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Related Post:
Stop lying to yourself and you will begin eliminating scarcity from your life now
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Perfection is just a point of view...
Let's get something straight. Your creator made you perfect in every way.
You may not be perfect compared to another but even if you have no legs, in God's eyes you are perfect exactly the way you are. The only reason you would think otherwise is because you are comparing yourself to someone else's standard of what is considered normal. In another world God created, no one has legs and when someone is born in that world with legs, they are considered handicapped by the people living there.
Perfection is just a point of view.
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You may not be perfect compared to another but even if you have no legs, in God's eyes you are perfect exactly the way you are. The only reason you would think otherwise is because you are comparing yourself to someone else's standard of what is considered normal. In another world God created, no one has legs and when someone is born in that world with legs, they are considered handicapped by the people living there.
Perfection is just a point of view.
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Stop lying to yourself and you will begin eliminating scarcity from your life now
Telling 'your truth' to yourself will eliminate lack and scarcity from your life. Lying to yourself will increase the amount of lack and scarcity you experience in your life in regards to such things as money, love or good health. Lying to yourself will make you feel worried, anxious or depressed. Telling 'your truth' to yourself will make you feel lighter, brighter and carefree. That's how you can tell the difference in regards to whether you are lying to yourself or telling yourself what is true for you. The key to this truth-telling process is telling 'your truth' to yourself while not giving a shit what is true for other people..
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The Secret Of Champions
Another great article by my friend Frederick Zappone, reprinted with permission
People who are successful in life never quit, they never give up. They have their vision of what they want from life and like a powerful magnet they let their vision pull them forward. When obstacles and roadblocks show up in their life they notice them but never take their eyes off their vision of what they want. People who fail, in life, focus on the obstacles and roadblocks that come their way, until they become so large they are overwhelmed by them and allow them to stop them dead in their tracks.
If you focus on your vision of what you want out of life, it will inevitably come to pass. If you focus on the obstacles and roadblocks you encounter along the way, you will bury your vision underneath them and in the process bury a part of yourself.
Obstacles and roadblocks are not your adversaries; they are your "personal trainers". They are training you to be smarter, brighter and stronger than you ever thought possible. They are training you to develop more stamina and endurance so you will have what it takes to make your most heartfelt dreams come true. They are training you in becoming more focused on your vision of "what will be" rather than "what is or what was". They are training you to be the Champion that you know in your heart you are destined to be.
When most people hit obstacles and roadblocks they reduce the size of their dream. The problem with this approach is, if you keep reducing the size of your dream, pretty soon it will disappear from view and what you will be left with is nothing more than discouragement and regret.
When I hit an obstacle or roadblock, I persevere and make my dream larger. Every time I hit another obstacle, along the way, I increase the size of my dream once more. Eventually my dream becomes so large and so powerful that nothing or no one can stop my dream from manifesting itself into my physical reality. This attitude I use allows my word to become law in the Universe.
You may never be a champion in basketball like Michael Jordan, you may never be a champion in acting like Nicole Kidman but in your world, in what you do, you can be that Champion if you persevere and never, ever, give up. If you choose to eliminate failure as an option from your life, you will be blessed with health, happiness and prosperity far greater than you could possibly imagine during your loneliest and darkest hours. The choice is up to you.
© 2003 Frederick Zappone
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People who are successful in life never quit, they never give up. They have their vision of what they want from life and like a powerful magnet they let their vision pull them forward. When obstacles and roadblocks show up in their life they notice them but never take their eyes off their vision of what they want. People who fail, in life, focus on the obstacles and roadblocks that come their way, until they become so large they are overwhelmed by them and allow them to stop them dead in their tracks.
If you focus on your vision of what you want out of life, it will inevitably come to pass. If you focus on the obstacles and roadblocks you encounter along the way, you will bury your vision underneath them and in the process bury a part of yourself.
Obstacles and roadblocks are not your adversaries; they are your "personal trainers". They are training you to be smarter, brighter and stronger than you ever thought possible. They are training you to develop more stamina and endurance so you will have what it takes to make your most heartfelt dreams come true. They are training you in becoming more focused on your vision of "what will be" rather than "what is or what was". They are training you to be the Champion that you know in your heart you are destined to be.
When most people hit obstacles and roadblocks they reduce the size of their dream. The problem with this approach is, if you keep reducing the size of your dream, pretty soon it will disappear from view and what you will be left with is nothing more than discouragement and regret.
When I hit an obstacle or roadblock, I persevere and make my dream larger. Every time I hit another obstacle, along the way, I increase the size of my dream once more. Eventually my dream becomes so large and so powerful that nothing or no one can stop my dream from manifesting itself into my physical reality. This attitude I use allows my word to become law in the Universe.
You may never be a champion in basketball like Michael Jordan, you may never be a champion in acting like Nicole Kidman but in your world, in what you do, you can be that Champion if you persevere and never, ever, give up. If you choose to eliminate failure as an option from your life, you will be blessed with health, happiness and prosperity far greater than you could possibly imagine during your loneliest and darkest hours. The choice is up to you.
© 2003 Frederick Zappone
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Power of Acceptance
Anything about ourselves we do not accept has the power to make our lives miserable. Accepting with love any flaw or weakness you have starts the process of the flaw or weakness healing itself naturally.
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Your best is GOOD Enough
Question: How many times do I need to remind myself my best is good enough?
Answer: As many times as it takes until you quit believing it is not..
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Answer: As many times as it takes until you quit believing it is not..
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Resolving Inner Conflict with SPEED
All of your 'inner conflicts' are between you and your subconscious mind.. Resolve the differences between your conscious mind (your thinking, creative mind) and your subconscious mind (your programmed mind since birth) and what you want will become your reality naturally.
Talk it your subconscious mind as if it was a person separate from you. Ask it a question and then write down the very next thought the pops into your mind. Here is an example of what I am talking about
Once I wrote this conversation out between myself and my subconscious mind, I immediately started making the money I wanted and richly deserved. What you just read is a condensed version of the actual conversation.
Conversations with your subconscious mind can last from minutes or hours... They are worth it because, with a little bit of practice, these conversation will be very effective in resolving inner conflicts, for you, very quickly.
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Talk it your subconscious mind as if it was a person separate from you. Ask it a question and then write down the very next thought the pops into your mind. Here is an example of what I am talking about
Me: My best is good enough.
Subconscious Mind: I will not concede your best is good enough until you begin making a excellent living doing what you say you love doing the most.
Me: My best is good enough.
Subconscious Mind: No it is not..
Me: My best is good enough and you subconscious mind are only a recording machine (a data storage machine), living in the basement of my head. You have no conscious ability to decide if my best is or isn't good enough .I decide that and my best, at making money doing what I love doing, is good enough...
Once I wrote this conversation out between myself and my subconscious mind, I immediately started making the money I wanted and richly deserved. What you just read is a condensed version of the actual conversation.
Conversations with your subconscious mind can last from minutes or hours... They are worth it because, with a little bit of practice, these conversation will be very effective in resolving inner conflicts, for you, very quickly.
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Thursday, May 5, 2011
Video made the hair on my neck stand up.
I found this video inspirational to the point that it gave me goosebumps and made
the hair on the back of my neck stand up
Here is a related book that brings home the same theme as the video
Click book cover or link to read more about the book

Shift: Change Your Words, Change Your World
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the hair on the back of my neck stand up
Here is a related book that brings home the same theme as the video
Click book cover or link to read more about the book
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Rules For Being Human
1. You will receive a body. You may like it or hate it, but it will be yours for the entire period this time around.
2. You will learn lessons. You are enrolled in a full-time informal school called life. Each day in this school you will have the opportunity to learn lessons. You may like them or you may think them irrelevant and stupid.
3. There are no mistakes, only lessons. Growth is a process of trial and error, and experimentation. The "failed" experiments are as much a part of the process as the experiment that ultimately "works."
4. A lesson is repeated until learned. A lesson will be presented to you in various forms until you have learned it. When you have learned it, you can then move on to the next lesson.
5. Learning lessons does not end. There is no part of life that does not contain its lessons. If you are alive, there are lessons to be learned.
6. "There" is no better than "here". When your "there" has become a "here", you will simply obtain another "there" that will, again look better than "here".
7. Others are merely a mirror of you. You cannot love or hate something about another person unless it reflects to you something that you love or hate about yourself.
8. What you make of your life is up to you. You have all the tools and resources you need. What you do with them is up to you. The choice is yours!
9. Your answers are already within you. The answers to life's questions lie inside you. All you need to do is look, listen, and trust your inner voice.
10. You will forget all this. You will forget these rules, and other important insights, and need to be reminded of them from time to time. But don't worry, the Universe has all the time you need.
2. You will learn lessons. You are enrolled in a full-time informal school called life. Each day in this school you will have the opportunity to learn lessons. You may like them or you may think them irrelevant and stupid.
3. There are no mistakes, only lessons. Growth is a process of trial and error, and experimentation. The "failed" experiments are as much a part of the process as the experiment that ultimately "works."
4. A lesson is repeated until learned. A lesson will be presented to you in various forms until you have learned it. When you have learned it, you can then move on to the next lesson.
5. Learning lessons does not end. There is no part of life that does not contain its lessons. If you are alive, there are lessons to be learned.
6. "There" is no better than "here". When your "there" has become a "here", you will simply obtain another "there" that will, again look better than "here".
7. Others are merely a mirror of you. You cannot love or hate something about another person unless it reflects to you something that you love or hate about yourself.
8. What you make of your life is up to you. You have all the tools and resources you need. What you do with them is up to you. The choice is yours!
9. Your answers are already within you. The answers to life's questions lie inside you. All you need to do is look, listen, and trust your inner voice.
10. You will forget all this. You will forget these rules, and other important insights, and need to be reminded of them from time to time. But don't worry, the Universe has all the time you need.
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Be-ing True To Ourselves
This article published with permission from my friend Frederick Zappone
Happiness is a by-product of being true to ourselves. The fact is, many people are not being true to themselves. They are true to other people, or beliefs and philosophies that do not serve them. In my lifetime, I have spent a great deal of time and energy trying to please other people. In the end, I pleased no one - not even myself - until I dramatically altered my thinking and learned how to live, fully, in the present moment.
Living in the present moment is a habitual way of thinking and acting that must be practised and developed like any other life-affirming skill. If you look at your own life and see the times when you were not happy, chances are that you were upset because you were chewing on the old bones from your past. Perhaps you were also worried about the future. Worrying about the future and chewing on "old bones" from your past have little value to offer you other than to cause you to be upset, anxious or stressed out.
You should think about the future only long enough to see if there is anything you can do in the present moment to make sure your future turns out the way you want it to turn out. The moment your thoughts about the future turn into "worry thought" that is telling you there is nothing you can do about the future, right now! It also tells you that you are living in the future rather than being fully present in the moment of now.
What are the roadblocks to living in the present moment? Our physical bodies always live in the present moment, but often times, our minds live elsewhere. How many times have you been in meeting, physically present, but you found your mind wandering off to other places? How many times have you listened to a speaker and found your mind drifting off to somewhere else? How many times have you had a conversation with someone, but you were not really present with them? These are all incidents of not living fully in the moment.
If we cannot get our minds to be where our bodies are, it causes us to feel pressure and stress. The solution is to bring our minds back to where our bodies are located. If we cannot bring our minds back to our bodies, then I suggest that we take our bodies to where our minds are located. A simple example: Your body is in church, but your mind is out fishing at your favorite stream or lake. If your mind refuses to come back to church, then go to the lake and meet your God there. The moment our bodies and minds are both located in the same place at the same time, we are fully present. And it is only in the present moment where we will find the true happiness we seek.
© 2003 Frederick Zappone
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Happiness is a by-product of being true to ourselves. The fact is, many people are not being true to themselves. They are true to other people, or beliefs and philosophies that do not serve them. In my lifetime, I have spent a great deal of time and energy trying to please other people. In the end, I pleased no one - not even myself - until I dramatically altered my thinking and learned how to live, fully, in the present moment.
Living in the present moment is a habitual way of thinking and acting that must be practised and developed like any other life-affirming skill. If you look at your own life and see the times when you were not happy, chances are that you were upset because you were chewing on the old bones from your past. Perhaps you were also worried about the future. Worrying about the future and chewing on "old bones" from your past have little value to offer you other than to cause you to be upset, anxious or stressed out.
You should think about the future only long enough to see if there is anything you can do in the present moment to make sure your future turns out the way you want it to turn out. The moment your thoughts about the future turn into "worry thought" that is telling you there is nothing you can do about the future, right now! It also tells you that you are living in the future rather than being fully present in the moment of now.
What are the roadblocks to living in the present moment? Our physical bodies always live in the present moment, but often times, our minds live elsewhere. How many times have you been in meeting, physically present, but you found your mind wandering off to other places? How many times have you listened to a speaker and found your mind drifting off to somewhere else? How many times have you had a conversation with someone, but you were not really present with them? These are all incidents of not living fully in the moment.
If we cannot get our minds to be where our bodies are, it causes us to feel pressure and stress. The solution is to bring our minds back to where our bodies are located. If we cannot bring our minds back to our bodies, then I suggest that we take our bodies to where our minds are located. A simple example: Your body is in church, but your mind is out fishing at your favorite stream or lake. If your mind refuses to come back to church, then go to the lake and meet your God there. The moment our bodies and minds are both located in the same place at the same time, we are fully present. And it is only in the present moment where we will find the true happiness we seek.
© 2003 Frederick Zappone
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Do you suffer from the SIEGE Mentality?
At any given moment in time, 90% of the people on the planet are living in peace and harmony with one another. Often times, it doesn't seem that way because the media creates a 'Siege Mentality' in our minds and makes us believe that the 'bad stuff' is happening everywhere, all the time.. - Quote of Frederick Zappone
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