In my case, I love sharing insights I have learned from my life experiences that I believe will make other people's lives easier. My subconscious mind is totally against me doing this and it lets me know, in no uncertain terms, by punishing me with body sensations that hurt like hell.
I am learning that when I deny my subconscious mind a voice, it reacts by squeezing my solar plexus so hard that it makes me want to throw up. To deal with my subconscious mind so it will stop hurting me when I am doing what I love I have to give it a voice and talk to it directly. Here is a real life example of what I am talking about.
Me. Subconscious mind (SM) why are you hurting me?
SM: Because you are not listening to me and doing what I am telling you to do.
Me: Who the hell do you think you are?
SM: I am the thoughts your parents and religion programmed into you And my job is to see to it that you live the life your parents and your religion want you to live.
(Note: My parents are deceased but their thoughts live on in my subconscious mind along with the thoughts of all the authority figures in my life. They includes thoughts from religion teachers who feed me their fear-based bullshit in their attempt to control my thinking and behavior. They failed.)
Me: I don't want to be what my parents and religion want me to be. I want to be what I want to be.
SM: That's never going to happen until you make your peace with me,
Me: How can I make peace with you. All you ever do is cause me pain any time I am doing what I love doing.
SM: You have made me your enemy and so I treat you as my enemy. To live in peace and harmony with me, you have to make me your friend.
Me. Screw you. You have been hurting me all of my life, why should I make you my friend?
SM: It is the only way I will quit causing you pain...
(Note: By translating what I feel coming from my subconscious mind into words I understand that is making it possible for me to live in peace and harmony with my subconscious mind. Before you judge me as off my rocker, there is a scientific basis for the work I am doing with my subconscious mind)
Related Reading: About ur SM
The link above takes you to a true story about the consequences of ignoring the subconscious mind as told by Dr. Bruce Lipton. This story was posted in my friend Frederick Zappone's OMT Forum he created for the exclusive use of the people who purchase his OMT law of attraction program, With his permission I am reposting Dr. Bruce Lipton's story here.
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