Sunday, May 8, 2011

Is your ass wound tight around MONEY?

If it is, it's time to loosen up your attitudes around money. Tight ass attitudes around money either slows down or stops money from flowing into your life altogether. Did you know that money is nothing more than a piece of paper, that in and of itself, has no power at all except for the power you project into it?

Watch the video then continue reading.........

Releasing Negative Energy You Have Around MONEY

You do not have to know what thoughts are causing the negative energy you have around money, you simply have to RELEASE them. Once you release the negative thoughts you have around money, the money you want will either come to you out of the blue or your mind will be illuminates with inspired ideas that will guide you to the money you want..

A Money Affirmation That actually WORKS....

An affirmation you believe in and is true for you will produce AMAZING results for you. The only reason affirmations don't work for some people is because they are repeating words they don't believe in. Any affirmation you do not believe in will not work for you. When using affirmations make sure you fully believe in them.

If you don't fully believe an affirmation as it is written, rewrite it in your own words until you do. It is important to include the word NOW in your affirmation.. The word NOW begins the process of change happening in your life now, not next week or next year, but NOW..

In the beginning of using the 'money affirmation' posted below you won't see any changes in your financial life until.....until you begin 'feeling the affirmation'. Feelings are the first physical evidence that something (good or bad) is coming true for you.

Here is the Money Affirmation

I am releasing NOW all negative energy that is between me and the financial abundance I want. As a result, money in abundance is NOW coming to me with no effort or struggle at all.

Repeat this affirmation anytime you are feeling negative around money. Repeat it as you drift off to sleep. Repeat it until you begin 'feeling this affirmation' as real for you.

Making this affirmation work for you is not hard work, it is repetitive work. The same kind of  repetitive work you did to master the A,B,C's and the 1, 2, 3's. The same kind of work you did to master riding a bike, playing a guitar or typing on your computer.

We learn by repeating something over and over again until it become anchored in our subconscious mind. Once that happens, we no longer have to consciously think about doing something, we do it automatically.

Your Conscious 'Thinking' Mind make you the MASTER of your life
Your Subconscious Mind is your benevolent Servant that connects you to the 'organizing intelligence of the universe' (aka SOURCE Energy) that makes all things possible

Louise Hay's author of:  'Experience Your Good Now' had this to say about affirmations: "When you state an affirmation, you’re really saying to your subconscious mind: “I am taking responsibility. I am aware that there is something I can do to change.”

For more information about Louise Hay books and CD's, click links or book covers

You Can Heal Your Life: Special Edition Box Set (Book & DVD Box Set) 

Experience Your Good Now!: Learning to Use Affirmations 

You Can Heal Your Life: Special Edition Box Set (Book & DVD Box Set)   Experience Your Good Now!: Learning to Use Affirmations 

Make Money TEXT Messaging, Click Here

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