Monday, May 2, 2011

I'm Angry. It's Unfair

If something isn't working for you, sometimes the only way to make it work for you is to curse it out of your system. This is akin to the process of a baby passing gas, only in a case like this, you are passing mental gas.

Here is an example, from my past, how I passed 'mental' gas.

I am angry because people don't recognize my genius. I am angry because I am not paid what I am worth. I am angry that my hard work goes unrecognized and unrewarded. It is unfair..

Now I could go on and on in the above example but I won't bore you to tears.  I did however go on and on when I wrote the above 'venting rant' to myself.

I vented not to get anyone's pity or understanding how unfair I felt life was to me at that time.  I did it as a way to release the 'mental gas' that was between me and what I wanted out of life..

You see, in accordance with the law of attraction, you can't attract  what you want to yourself when you are feeling bad or when you are stuffing or supressing what is true for you.  I resisted doing the 'venting rant' I shared with you in the above example for a long, long time because I thought I was better than that.

The problem was, by not expressing what I truly thought and felt, back at the time, I was stopping myself from attracting what I wanted which was money, recognition and appreciation. By ranting and releasing my anger about what I didn't have, I moved into a feeling good state of mind.

The feeling good state of mind allowed me to start attracting what I had been angry about in my past, the lack of money, recognition and appreciation. And the attraction of those things was natural and effortless

Regularly venting (telling your awful truth to yourself) is like giving yourself a mental laxative. You will feel so much better after you do...

As a result of feeling better, you will start attracting better things to yourself.  It worked for me and there's a good chance that 'venting' will work for you too.


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