You could be pretending you are something you are not. You could be pretending that what someone said or did to you is okay with you when it is not. You could be pretending your are happy when you are depressed. You could be pretending you give a shit when you do not.
Pretending about anything makes people unhappy for prolong periods of time.. It not only makes them unhappy, it makes them angry.
It makes people angry because they are not being true to themselves. Instead, they are being true to other peoples thoughts and beliefs rather than their own. In other words, they have sold out their integrity by believing that the thoughts and opinions of others are more important than their own. Nothing like pretending (lying to yourself) to make you one unhappy, miserable person.
- I don't give a shit that Bin Laden is dead.
- Have you ever felt like a FAKE person or a Fraud?
- Stressed out?? If so, you are NOT being Real...
- Lying Makes us Physically Sick and Depressed
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