Friday, May 6, 2011

Resolving Inner Conflict with SPEED

All of your 'inner conflicts' are between you and your subconscious mind.. Resolve the differences between your conscious mind (your thinking, creative mind) and your subconscious mind (your programmed mind since birth) and what you want will become your reality naturally.


Talk it your subconscious mind as if it was a person separate from you. Ask it a question and then write down the very next thought the pops into your mind. Here is an example of what I am talking about

Me: My best is good enough.

Subconscious Mind: I will not concede your best is good enough until you begin making a excellent living doing what you say you love doing the most.

Me: My best is good enough.

Subconscious Mind: No it is not..

Me: My best is good enough and you subconscious mind are only a  recording machine (a data storage machine), living in the basement of my head.  You have no conscious ability to decide if my best is or isn't good enough .I decide that and my best, at making money doing what I love doing, is good enough...

Once I wrote this conversation out between myself and my subconscious mind, I immediately started making the money I wanted and richly deserved. What you just read is a condensed version of the actual conversation.

Conversations with your subconscious mind can last from minutes or hours... They are worth it because, with a little bit of practice, these conversation will be very effective in resolving inner conflicts, for you, very quickly.

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