Sunday, May 8, 2011

Emotional Hurt. Don't fix me, just get me.

Emotionally I am hurting a lot tonight.  I don't want you to give me any advice or try to fix me. I just want you to hear 'my truth'.   I remember sharing with the adults in my life, during my growing up years, that I was emotionally hurting.

I would no sooner get the words out of my mouth and immediately they would want to do something with my hurt from trying to fix me to telling me I shouldn't feel the way I do.

There is nothing worse than verbally trying to express your emotional hurt to someone you know and have them immediately judge you or want to fix you rather than just listen to you with a loving and non-judgmental ear.

I am telling you I am emotionally hurting tonight because for some reason telling another human being I am hurting makes the hurt begin to dissolve of its own accord.

On the other hand, if someone starts judging me or invalidating how I am  feeling right now, that action on their part makes me suppress what I am feeling rather than fully expressing it right out of my physical body.

If I do not fully express my hurt, my hurt then burrows itself into the cells of my body, eventually making a part of my body physically sick. Since I don't like to being physically sick, making an jackass out of myself by fully expressing my hurt to another person is a better option for me regardless of what other people think.

In life we are either depressing ourselves or fully expressing ourselves. Sad to say, few people get to fully express their truth (the good, bad and ugly of it) without someone judging them or telling them they shouldn't feel the way they do.. And that makes people hide how they really feel rather than 'healing what they feel' by fully expressing it out of their body until they hurt no more.


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