Wednesday, May 4, 2011

In this society emotional honesty is considered bullshit

I don't feel much this morning. In fact, I am hardly feeling anything at all. There is not much I can do with that feeling right now except to ' feel what I feel' as my way of moving through it to the other side.

As I wrote that last sentence, a memory came back to me, several memories, in fact. Memories about people telling me repeatedly over the years that I shouldn't feel 'this or that' when I was in the midst of feeling it.

Telling a person they shouldn't feel angry, depressed etc when, in the moment, they are feeling those emotions is plain stupid. It invalidates them and makes them think they are doing something wrong when all they are doing is being emotionally honest with you in the moment...

In this society emotional honesty is considered bullshit while squashing or suppressing what we truly feel is considered the socially acceptable thing to do. No wonder we have alcohol and drug problems (prescription and otherwise) in our country. Telling people to stuff their feelings is like overloading a gun with gun powder. That action will cause the gun to explode unexpectedly and that is exactly what happens, over time, when you make people stuff their true feelings.

In truth, negative emotions cannot be kept inside you forever. They can either be expressed in healthy ways or they can be denied resulting in those feelings being expressed in the form of physical illness, abuse, violence or suicide.

If you are feeling stressed out, discouraged or any other negative emotion, there is not a damn thing wrong with you for feeling that way. The problem is when you can't release those feelings, then they become a problem for you.

The reason most people can't easily rid themselves of negative emotions is because they resist them rather than accept them for what they are, very human emotions that will harmlessly pass them by if they will allow them to.

When you resist negative emotions, they grow stronger and gain more power over you. When you accept them and honesty express them in healthy ways, they dissolve naturally and lose their power to harm you in any way.

It is easy to release negative emotions. It is as easy as writing them out like I did in this post. Writing out what you feel is the cheapest and the most effective way of releasing negative emotions and feelings without harmful side effect.

In the beginning I felt hardly nothing at all but by expressing my truth to you about feeling that way I moved through that feeling to the other side.  I am now feeling happy and content and looking forward to having a great day.

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