Monday, May 9, 2011

The first thing they should teach you coming out of your Mother's WOMB

After coming out of your mother's womb, they should slap you on the ass and yell in your ear repeatedly: Whatever you resist persists. They should teach you that the more you resist something you do not like,  the more power it has over you until what you 'don't like' begins sticking to you like super glue.

They should also teach you that whatever you resist not only gains more power over you, it controls your life until you stop resisting whatever it is you are resisting..

If I had known about  the 'whatever you resist persists' principle from birth, I would have lived a different life. I would have lived a life of 'allowing' things I did not like to harmlessly pass me by rather than resisting them with all of my might.

The more I resisted what I did not like, the more things I attracted into my life I did not like. Why? Because my focus was on what I didn't want rather than what I did want.  And, in accordance with the law of attraction , which I learned about later on in life, whatever I focus my attention on, I attract more of the same.

As a result of focusing on the shit in my life by resisting it, I became a shit magnet that brought me to where I am today. An unhappy person fed up with playing the games, fed up with pretending I am happy when I am not.


Since I started this process of 'being real,' I have found myself stumbling into a lot of dark holes in the basement of my mind that I don't like being in.  I don't know exactly when I started pretending to be something I was not but I do know I was very young,

I started pretending at a very early age because I quickly realized, even back then, that being yourself in this world and telling 'your truth' as a young kid was a dangerous thing to do.. Telling your truth to others got you judged, disapproved of and punished.

Who broke my favorite vase Jonathan?   'I did mommy'. (My Truth)

--Whack on the back of the head. --

Why are you playing in the dirt Jonathan? 'It is fun mommy'  (My Truth)

--Get your ass in the house, you need to take a bath now.--

Being yourself and telling your truth, as I discovered, at a very tender age was not safe. The only way to get through life was to lie (pretend) because you are going to be punished for telling your truth.

Why didn't you do your homework Jonathan?  'It wasn't fun to do teacher'. (My Truth)

---Note to my parents, detention after school ---


I will no longer put any energy into resisting thoughts and feelings I do not like because if I do, I will continue to be unhappy rather than allowing the shit to clear out of my mind so I can be as happy and carefree as I want to be...

I am in the process of doing a house cleaning job by cleaning out the garbage in my mind.  I will no longer allow ugliness to live inside of me where it can pollute my soul and make me miserable. I will allow it to come up and out of me so I will be free of the thoughts and feelings that tormented me in the past.  I will do that by BEING REAL and being me....


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