Saturday, April 30, 2011

Trump/Palin Republican Ticket. - How Wild is that?

For me, politics is nothing more than a titillating show full of assorted half truths and lies. The best  political show I can think of would be a Trump/Palin ticket. Or would it be a Palin/Trump Ticket? In either case, it would be an incredibly entertaining political show if I ever saw one. The combination of  a Trump/Palin ticket is just wild enough that it might even get them elected.  Hmm. What are the odds of Trump and Palin actually considering running together.  If thoughts have no bounds, as science teaches,  maybe they will pick up on our individual and collective thoughts and give it a go... They both have strong personality and big egos.  If they did run together, I am guessing it would be a bumpy road where they just might end up killing each other. All in good fun of course.

Getting past the Law of Attraction CRAP.


I loved the idea of the law of attraction, it was logical and it made sense to me however, it was all crap because I couldn't make it work for me. The harder I tried to make it work, the worse things got for me.

It became obvious to me that I  had mastered the law of attraction in reverse, having it work against rather than for me.  Was the problem with the law of attraction or the teachers of the law of attraction?  It was the teachers who were the problem.

I finally figured it out  how to make the law of attraction work for me after I gave up ever figuring it out... The majority of the law of attraction teachers out there have been putting too much emphasis on what we think rather than what we feel in regards to the law of attraction.

It is not what we think that attracts good or bad things to us, it is what we feel.  Our feelings are vibrations that radiate out from our body and attract back to us the good things we want if we are feeling good and bad things if we are feeling bad.

In order for a belief to become our physical reality, it must feel real to us.  If you believe something but it only exists between you ears as a good idea, it has no attraction power at all. However, once a positive belief of yours 'feels real to you',  that feeling activates the law of attraction to either bring you what you want or guide you to it..

GOOD FEELINGS are the key to making the LOA work for me,

You can not attract something good to yourself by feeling bad nor can 
you attract something bad to yourself by feeling good. - Abraham-Hicks


Not a Nice Guy, Not Any More...

The people in my life think I am one of the nicest people in the world.  I am definitely not nice. Yes, on the outside I can act like the nicest person you ever met but on the inside I don't feel very nice. In fact, most of the time I feel bad. I feel bad because I have spent so much of my life pretending to be what my domineering, controlling parents wanted me to be, perfect in all ways.

The sad part is I didn't realized I had turned into what my parents wants me to be rather than what I wanted to be until thoughts of suicide entered my mind.. Thank God, I am way past 'suicidal thoughts' these days. In part, those thoughts left me because I am no longer pretending to myself. Yes, I am still pretending with people who know me but not with myself.  I am very real with myself and if you read and follow this blog at all, you will find me being very real with you.

I am not the quiet, altogether person most people know me to be. I am a energetic, crazed, fun loving lunatic of a person. I am a person who is content to be me and have made up my mind to live the rest of my life alone rather than spend one more minute of  my time trying to get people to like or approve of me. Screw them and the horse they rode in on... These days I am only interested in ATTRACTING people like me, real people who hate to pretend as much as I do..

I gotta tell you 'pretending ' hurts because you have to put a lot of energy into pretending rather than feeling  comfortable enough to relax and be yourself...

(More later.....)